Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Faces of Meth
Methamphetamine (Meth) users vary widely in ages and profiles but seem to have two basic profiles. As noted by law enforcement and treatment providers the profiles consist of, “students, both high school and college age and white, blue-collar workers and unemployed persons in their 20s and 30s.” With this being stated, the use of this drug is also equally divided between males and females and is readily available in both urban and rural areas. There are many different reasons for using meth, including to lose weight, work extra shifts, increase physical and mental performance and so on. The users are then quickly hooked on the drug and are not able to function like they used to.
Most users these days use meth because of the powerful and intense amount of energy they get from it. It creates a euphoric and energetic feeling that the user can do or overcome anything. For example, “A cocaine high lasts about 15-20 minutes, while a meth high lasts 2-14 hours.” This alone is one of the main reasons people prefer meth over other drugs. Along with this statement, teens are using meth because they see it as a safer drug and longer lasting than other drugs. It can also be easier to buy than cocaine because it is less expensive and more accessible on the streets.
Meth also does certain life-changing things to the human body, such as users begin to act violent, anxious, confused, show paranoia, have visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions, and even think about committing suicide or homicide. Users of this drug also seem to have major medical complications because of the toxins and chemicals that are used to make the drug. Those chemicals get into the blood stream and the body naturally tries to get rid of the toxins. When this happens, users start to scratch their skin and create open sores. When this process occurs, meth users call it “Crank Bugs”, because of the way the itching is painful and persistent.
Furthermore, meth can even be made by the people who use it. Like stated in the earlier blog, meth is made by combining many toxins and chemicals and can be mixed together and baked in your own home. It’s obviously not a safe or healthy thing to do because of the high level of explosive elements used in making meth. This is a huge topic that must be looked at from several different angles, but with the topic of meth users covered, the doors can be opened for the rest of the story.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Today's Drug of Choice: Methamphetamine

In today’s world, illegal narcotics seem to take over the lives of many Americans and are tending to take over the United States. These drugs are used in many ways and effect different parts of our body’s in different ways as well. One of the most addicting and widely used of these illegal narcotics is methamphetamines. Methamphetamines or Meth is widely used among various ages in today’s society and is becoming a fast growing and rampant spreading drug. This is because it can be made and distributed from inside homes and apartments. The DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) states that, “Today, methamphetamine is second to alcohol and marijuana as the drug used most frequently in many Western and Midwestern states.”
Meth is an extremely addictive drug and is a central nervous system stimulant. Because of Meth’s addictive qualities, it is only available by a doctor and cannot be refilled. With this said, “Methamphetamine is a highly addictive central nervous system stimulant that can be injected, snorted, smoked, or ingested orally.” Meth itself comes from either one of two places; foreign or domestic Meth labs or from small illegal Meth labs located in everyday apartments and homes. The small Meth labs are the most dangerous because they endanger not only the people in the labs but also neighbors and the environment. The explosive characteristics of the chemicals used when making meth can blow up a building or a block depending on how many chemical agents were inside the building.
To further explore the uses, users, effects (both short and long term), trafficking, and drug laws that have risen from this drug, more research must be done. This is a significant topic that has grown very rapidly over the years and needs to be stopped somehow. Hopefully this blog will help you better understand the drug itself and keep you informed about what it can do to a person and society.